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Hot Vanilla Caramel {with Sweet'N Low}

We live in California, where we can go swimming on Christmas Day, so it's a rare day when we can serve a hot drink and enjoy it. I love a hot drink, but ONLY on a cold cold day. So, today was one of those days, although the sun did come out, it was still cold enough to create a little chill outside and we were able to enjoy this HOT new drink we created.

Hot Vanilla Caramel
created by Tina Hudgens

(makes one serving)
1 cup milk
1 pkg Sweet'N Low
1 cup whipping cream
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 tbsp caramel syrup

In a microwave save glass cup heat up 1 cup of milk and the 1 pkg of Sweet'N Low for approximately one minute. In the meantime mix in a separate bowl the whipping cream, cinnamon and caramel syrup until combined. Add the whip cream mixture to the milk mixture and shake in a shaker (or mix up in a blender). Pour into a mug and return to microwave for 1 more minute. Add a dollop of whip cream and a sprinkle of caramel syrup before serving.

"As part of the DailyBuzz Food Tastemaker Program,
I received Sweet'N Low packages and a stipend."

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