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Christmas Wrap - Up

Life has been so busy, I have not written much about my Christmas. I wanted to document my favorite gifts before I forget :)
I received this wonderful little zip up bag made from measuring tapes!  I put the spools on to give you a sense of the size of the bag.  Haven't decided what I will use if for yet, but for now, I'm just admiring it! So cute!

I love this photo of the David's Tea Advent Calendar that my daughter bought for me. It was so much fun! Every day in December you open a little window and inside is a tiny tin of David's tea - a different kind each day. Few things are better than a cup of hot tea on a cold winter day, and it has been 
...C O L D!!
On the left is the fruit salad I made on Christmas day, and on the right is the orange cranberry bread my niece made.

Another favorite gift is this wonderful glass top table with a treadle iron base (with the Grinch tree on the top!)
My daughter and her boyfriend restored the previously rusty irons, painted them and made it into a table for me!

After the restoration process, the irons still work just fine so if I ever found a cabinet and machine to go on top, it could be a functional treadle. For now, it is a lovely table that makes me smile when I walk by :)
I just love this age old logo on the side of the machine. The work they did on it looks amazing.

Look how they hand painted SINGER in gold letters and made it look so professional!
Such wonderful gifts!

We also had a fun visit to Michigan and saw the sparkly buildings in Rochester. The lights were very pretty, but it was too cold for the dogs! (and me!)

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