The picture on the left is the view from my backyard this morning, I just thought the clouds looked so pretty, the whole sky is clear but for that one part....beautiful!!!
And speaking of photos, is anyone else having problems uploading them to Blogger, is it just me or does Blogger seem to be super slow the past two days??? It uploads photos but I have to let it sit there for 5 minutes or so, and I know that's not normal. Well, for Blogger actually it might be LOL

Anyway, we're sitting there in the car and I'm
So my 7 year old had to remind this stressed out whiny mom, that there IS a Defrost button, you know?!?!?!?
VOILA, within two seconds I could see....how embarassing!!! Ditz Patrol to the Rescue!!!
Anyway, I was watching The Bachelor Rome last night, ummm excuse me but "Erica, what the heck is wrong with you?", that girl was starting to scare me, I don't think I've ever seen anyone act like that on the Bachelor before. See I'm not as big a Reality TV fan as I used to be a couple years ago but then it seems that the networks got inundated with ridiculous reality shows, each one progressively dumber than the last one, so I got turned off. I think The Bachelor, Wife Swap and The Nanny are the only ones I still catch from time to time.
The Bachelor because it's just funny to me, the Wife Swap because then I can tell my hubby that he really IS lucky to have me (LOL) and The Nanny just to show myself that my kids are really Angels comparatively. It's all part of my life lessons, or so I tell myself so that I have an excuse to keep watching them. LOL
I have laundry that has to be put away, but I'm in one of those "lazy days", the ones where all I want is to cuddle on the couch, watch tv and do absolutely nothing. I also want 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep, a porsche and world peace....so you see where this is going right???
But really, you ever have those days where you have to bribe your body to do things...like "if you just walk into the kitchen, I promise there's a cupcake in it for you" or "if you just get up off the chair I will let you watch tv for an extra hour later, ok?". It's ridiculous when you start bartering with your own body.
But now you see where I'm at today...I just want to sit right here, on the computer chair, visit your blogs and do nothing. But alas, reality calls, I have errands to run, a house to clean and a 3 year old to keep entertained, though I've realized it doesn't take much to keep him happy, just give him a few chips, a cup of milk and an empty box and this child is thrilled for hours.
Don't forget that there's a lot of blogdom happenings coming up, our wonderful friend over at "Overwhelmed with Joy" put up a list, so go check it out if you're interested in participating in something fun.
I'm hosting my own Holiday Traditions on November 1st, so I hope you will all join in, I would love to hear about your family traditions.
Do you and your family have a special tradition every Christmas Morning, or maybe it's a special dinner for Thanksgiving??? Do you all go out on a certain day to get a Christmas Tree??? Is there a special ornament or fun way your family decorates for the holidays??? How about different Heritages, how are the holidays celebrated all over the world???
So please, if you want to share your Traditions, just remember to come back here on the 1st of November, and in the meantime if you wouldn't mind helping me spread the word, just grab the banner and maybe give a little shout out??? Also link to THIS POST, for the rules!!! You know I'm not one to ask and I actually feel bad doing it, but I would love to see as many people as possible participating :)
I'm sure by now you've noticed that I made a few small changes to the template, and at first I was going to change it completely, but I realized that if this is working for me, there's no need to go messing with it. Having this simple base to start from allows me to change it according to the holidays or seasons, which is great.
Well I better get moving on out of here....Have a Blessed Day!!!
Dinner tonight is just a simple Tuna Salad, something the kids and I really enjoy but it's not one of hubby's favorites, hence we have it for dinner when he's gone somewhere :)
Rachael Ray - *New*- The CW- 12pm
General Hospital - *New* -ABC- 1:00 pm
Dancing with the Stars - *New* - ABC - 7pm
Putting away laundry *still looking for the laundry fairy*
Clean Computer Area