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When Junkies Crave....

"Let's Eat at Joe's Snack Grill!"

Last night, the Junkies had dinner at our favorite Korean place, a hole-in-the-wall resto on Don Pedro St., Poblacion.

We ate 2 orders each of Beef with Marbling, Galbisal and Beef Belly, Woosamkyup.

It was a healthy dinner! We did not eat rice, just lots and lots of lettuce, perilla and all the other condiments.

Dessert was at UCC, Rockwell.

Dark Mocha Decaffeinated Coffee and a scoop of Nangkasuy ice cream.

Guess who ordered the ice cream?!?

Hahahaha that's not a hard question to answer.

We all shared an order of "Pinipig Crunch".

Our favorite topic is food and we always plan our next eating adventure.

Korean craving..... Checked!



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