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Your Dekalb Farmers Market Taught Me the Best Way to Store Spices | Apartment Therapy


We've moved from Atlanta to Tallahassee and haven't been to Your Dekalb Farmer's Market in years, but one thing hasn't changed since my Atlanta days: my spice containers. It's the Atlantans insider secret to spice storage. Anyone that's been to YDFM is in the know—and it's highly likely they store their spices the same way I do because it's the actual best.

Credit: Kenan Hill

The Atlanta Way to Store Your Spices

Dekalb Farmer's Market spices come packaged in flat, round 8-ounce containers. And these squat storage containers boost several benefits over the narrow, tall spice containers most people use.

For one, they stack easily—you don't need multi-tiered storage solutions to maximize your cabinet space with these. And the wide, flat footprint means you can give several of your go-to spices front row seats at the front of the cabinet, easily reading the wide labels. The very best thing about them is that you can actually stick a measuring spoon inside them! And they're super easy to refill.

Credit: Kenan Hill

Of course, no refilling was involved when I lived in Atlanta because my refills always came in these containers from YDFM. But since I've been in Florida and the spices I have to restock come in many different containers, I appreciate not having to decant into tiny spice containers while still enjoying the convenience and aesthetic of uniform storage.

Credit: Kenan Hill

I've since purchased the 8-ounce deli containers (you can get a set of 40 for under $14) to replace most of my old Dekalb containers, although I leave a few in my stack for posterity. In a particularly crafty mood several years ago, I printed out some pretty labels onto sticker paper and cut them out with my Silhouette. But hand-written labels, or a grease pencil, or white Sharpie straight on the container would work just as well.

My in-rotation spices live in stacks that are two to three containers high on two two-tiered turntables in my cabinet. Back stock is stored on upper shelves. I have a few 16-ounce containers for spices that I go through quickly, like chili powder and cumin. And I will never store my spices any other way.


Shifrah Combiths


With five children, Shifrah is learning a thing or two about how to keep a fairly organized and pretty clean house with a grateful heart in a way that leaves plenty of time for the people who matter most. Shifrah grew up in San Francisco, but has come to appreciate smaller town life in Tallahassee, Florida, which she now calls home. She's been writing professionally for twenty years and she loves lifestyle photography, memory keeping, gardening, reading, and going to the beach with her husband and children.

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